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2012-09-07 - 10:18 a.m.

Friday morning: lightning round. And callbacks tonight.


10:18 - I should be shaving and showering and getting out of here. After a night of fairly decent if sporadic sleep - at least this time the Klonopin didn't cause anxiety or jitters - I took another one and had the forbidden shot and slept like a rock until 10 o'clock.

Waking to a voicemail from Elizabeth asking if I was okay, because of course I'd had a therapy appointment scheduled for 8:30.



Decent class with the BA's yesterday. Spent some time with Lamisa bringing her up to speed; she's joining Acting IV.

Worked through lunch and then went to the gym. Walked six minutes to warm up, then jogged for six-minute segments with two-minute or three-minute recovery walks, for a good forty minutes, finishing 5K and then walking another ten or twelve minutes to cool down. Did some yoga on a mat by the window (next to Lexie, as it turned out).

Foot okay. Not great, but okay.

Audition class: marvelous. Proud of all of them. They did their packages, Michael and I made some suggestions. Thoroughly enjoyable, except for poor Shelby, who was losing her voice and terrified about her audition slot of 5:25. Not enough for vocal rest to accomplish much. So I told her to go on complete vocal rest and to see Dawn and/or Kay and we re-scheduled her for this afternoon. Hope she's okay; David Bankston says she has a bad sore throat. Oy.

Grabbed sandwiches for Michael and me and headed to Wheelwright. Four hours of auditions, and nearly all of them damned good. The junior MT's stunning, including Charlie doing the best work I've ever seen. Strong work from sophomores, and I was especially proud when Monica stood up, turned around, and said "How about our freshmen?!?"

During one of the breaks Monica started suggesting casting for Suzanna Grindle (in "Hot L") and for a couple of other actors (in "Hot L"). I said, "yes, I'm calling Suzanna back, but I think there are much stronger candidates for that role." Took Monica aback, I think. I said under to my breath to Robin that I will not have my show cast for me, especially not on the first night of auditions. She was with me, whole-hog.

But I enjoyed myself thoroughly, was having one of those nights I was especially glad I work here.

All in all, without Xanax the day was a normal one. Whether I felt rushed or anxious or happy or at easy, the day was a normal one, which is a good thing on a 12-hour day that has no breaks.

On the way home I called Heidi and we talked for half an hour. She said, as so many others have, "you sound like yourself again."

I was up a long time after I got home: I'd forgotten to bring a Viibryd with me to have with dinner, so I had to eat something, take that pill, then wait a while before I could take the other pills on an empty stomach. Slept in the guest bed and after the Klonopin turned off the light WITHOUT having had a drink and fell asleep. Only slept two and a half hours - that shit's gotta change, and maybe it will - but that's twice I've gone to bed without a so-called nightcap.

I'll lick this thing yet.

ebb - flow

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