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2012-09-04 - 7:02 a.m.

Sleepless night, shaky morning...


Ugh. Setback. Slept hard from 8:30 or 9 until 1, then drifted in and out of a dozing sleep for a bit. I had taken two advil pm and was so groggy and sleepy I thought surely I'd go right back to sleep.

But I didn't.

Thinking a shot would knock me out I had one, then ate a little bread and cheese.

Then I gave up and went to the guest bed and read until almost 3am.

I woke at 5 with a moderate-level hormone surge giving me hot, prickly, sweating skin. I thought if I got up it'd recede, but I was sure I could get back to sleep. Which I managed only minimally: dozed on and off in half-hour intervals, kept waking and looking at the time: 5:30, then 6; each time I got up to see if Matt was awake yet but he wasn't. I was so glad to see that he was sleeping. Finally slept again for about 20 minutes before the alarm woke me at 6:30.

Feeling shaky now and cold but sweaty. Not pleasant, and it kills my buzz about returning to school today after a weekend that was both productive and relaxing, something like normal and at times even happy.

This is minor, flood, and temporary, relative to everything else a very small setback. You are getting SO much better. You just had a bad night.

Class and school will get you up and out of yourself, and you'll be okay.

Slept until 8 yesterday then went to the gym. May have overdone it, foot is sore. But it helps to move my body.

Matt ran errands around noon but was otherwise at his computer working on various things including that rum-bottle label for Thom Penn for "God of Carnage." Which thank God I am not in.

I went over and over and over through the "Hot L" script and finally found a bunch of sides I can use. Too many of them, actually, but I can pare down. I've typed 3 of the 11, with cuts and jumps. Progress.

Karen called, just wanted to know how I was doing. So happy to be able to tell her I've made such progress. She said she could hear it in my voice. Said I sounded like me.

Lovely notes from Matt Ebling and David DeWitt about their experiences at the closing of "Richard III."

Thick ribeyes, oven fries, and creamed spinach for dinner after big margaritas which we shared over the phone with Dot who was having her own margarita in Michigan.

Called Mom and Dad to wish them a happy 52nd anniversary. Dad is waiting for a client's stress test on the 25th - if the underwriters accept it, it's a 12 million dollar policy, and Dad's financial situation will change significantly - enough to float him a year or two and eliminate a pile of his debt.

Please, God.

I wrote to Judy Harrison to see if I could pay for Riley's dance class late or in installments or both. She already responded that she will check.

This week will be intense. Monica's back today, and I've got extra classes and a ton of coaching, and once auditions begin on Thursday evening I'm on campus from then until Saturday night except for coming home to sleep (a little).

But by Saturday evening I'll have a cast.

ebb - flow

Calbacks and casting: exhaustion, oh my... - 2012-09-10
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